Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. –Edmund Burke

These especially spoke to me.
I am the grandchild of survivors. We’re called ‘3Gs,’ third-generation survivors. My grandparents’ heroic stories live on in me.
My grandmother survived the death camps of Auschwitz & Bergen-Belsen.
My grandfather was a partisan, that means he was part of the resistance movement. The Partisans fought back, sabotaged the Nazis, and rescued Jews. Yes, we fought back.
Can you count to 6,000,000? It’s a big number. 6 million people. 6 million names. 6 million souls lost.

victims to humanize the 6 million.
This candle is dedicated to Gerard, a student from Algeria who was killed at 8 years old.
But we’re still here. We survived.
No, forget survived…thrived. From the doorstep of death, we returned with passion. We are innovation, technology, humor, culture, philanthropy, medicine, agriculture, humanity—we are life.

I am the granddaughter of survivors. My existence is a miracle, my Joyish life a triumph. In awe, I stand on the shoulders of giants.

If you are a Jew today, congratulations, you beat the odds.
We survived to deliver the promise, Never Again.

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